From the Book of Ecclesiastes, although probably better known from Pete Seeger's music and performed by the The Byrds .....I have been "planting" the last couple of days so I can "reap" next month and pay bills. Be back tomorrow.
........To everything - turn, turn, turn..... I hope this song doesn't stay in your head all day long!!
Aug 30, 2006
Aug 27, 2006
"I've finally met my match"
OK, I give up. I have finally met my match. I put up a good fight but I know when it is time to quit.
As I had mentioned in my last blog my cell phone cratered and had to be replaced.
Now I'm a gadget kind-of-guy. If a revolutionary electronic piece of equipment comes out, I am one of the first ones on my block to buy it. The last 4 or 5 computers Pattye and I have purchased over the last 10 years, I have built from scratch. I know about stuff.
But either things are changing a little too fast for me, or maybe I just don't want to fight the fight anymore.
I'm talkin' about using all of the features on my cell phone.
Heck, I don't even think it should be called a phone anymore. It should be called a communications appliance.
I realize it is hard to find a comfort zone, and, after going through a learning curve people like to settle in where life becomes enjoyable.
My old phone, may it rest in peace, and I were in a comfort zone. It worked great, well...fine.
Oh, it would drop a call every now and then. Occasionally I would have to play the "can you hear me now" game. But, it did what it was supposed to do. I called people and they called me.
But this new machine. ....Wow.
Trouble is, I don't know how to use it.
I got "tired-head" after only a few minutes of reading the 532 page instruction book.
It took me 15 minutes to find out how to turn the thing on!
It takes pictures, send pictures, does IM, (for those of you that aren't up-to-date is instant-messaging or what really is taking 10 minutes to type a message that you could have verbally told someone in five seconds). It has a ticker with a headline banner of breaking news across the screen, which by the way a screen that can have any kind of wallpaper that you want. It grooms the dog, it makes a souffle etc., etc., etc..
And I'm scared that it might be able to do the one thing, the only thing that Pattye still keeps me around for.......... it might be able to cut the grass.
But it really doesn't matter to me that it does all of these neat things. I just want it to make calls and get calls.
Yesterday, while I was checking to see if I had any calls, cause' I keep it stuffed in my jeans and normally have the radio blaring and can't hear it if it rings, (I can get over 10,000,000 different ring tones) I saw that I had missed 2 calls.
But I was stumped. How do I find out who called me?
As I was fiddlin with it, while sitting on the tail gate of my truck sweating in 100 degree weather, a non-English speaking housekeeper saw the confusion on my face.
She had a similar type phone and through hand gestures and my Spanglish we were able to find the correct menu to see who the last callers were that were trying to reach me.
She even showed me how to put the callers into my address book, that I'm not sure I could find again if I had to.
But it works. It does exactly what I want it to do. I can call people and they can call me.
Oh, by the way, I even have a unique ring tone. One that nobody else has. One that I could always discern if my phone rang while with a group of people.
I use the one that comes already with every new phone, and I am sure everyone but me has changed to something different.
So call me, but don't send pictures or IM's, because I wouldn't know how to find them.
As I had mentioned in my last blog my cell phone cratered and had to be replaced.
Now I'm a gadget kind-of-guy. If a revolutionary electronic piece of equipment comes out, I am one of the first ones on my block to buy it. The last 4 or 5 computers Pattye and I have purchased over the last 10 years, I have built from scratch. I know about stuff.
But either things are changing a little too fast for me, or maybe I just don't want to fight the fight anymore.
I'm talkin' about using all of the features on my cell phone.
Heck, I don't even think it should be called a phone anymore. It should be called a communications appliance.
I realize it is hard to find a comfort zone, and, after going through a learning curve people like to settle in where life becomes enjoyable.
My old phone, may it rest in peace, and I were in a comfort zone. It worked great, well...fine.
Oh, it would drop a call every now and then. Occasionally I would have to play the "can you hear me now" game. But, it did what it was supposed to do. I called people and they called me.
But this new machine. ....Wow.
Trouble is, I don't know how to use it.
I got "tired-head" after only a few minutes of reading the 532 page instruction book.
It took me 15 minutes to find out how to turn the thing on!
It takes pictures, send pictures, does IM, (for those of you that aren't up-to-date is instant-messaging or what really is taking 10 minutes to type a message that you could have verbally told someone in five seconds). It has a ticker with a headline banner of breaking news across the screen, which by the way a screen that can have any kind of wallpaper that you want. It grooms the dog, it makes a souffle etc., etc., etc..
And I'm scared that it might be able to do the one thing, the only thing that Pattye still keeps me around for.......... it might be able to cut the grass.
But it really doesn't matter to me that it does all of these neat things. I just want it to make calls and get calls.
Yesterday, while I was checking to see if I had any calls, cause' I keep it stuffed in my jeans and normally have the radio blaring and can't hear it if it rings, (I can get over 10,000,000 different ring tones) I saw that I had missed 2 calls.
But I was stumped. How do I find out who called me?
As I was fiddlin with it, while sitting on the tail gate of my truck sweating in 100 degree weather, a non-English speaking housekeeper saw the confusion on my face.
She had a similar type phone and through hand gestures and my Spanglish we were able to find the correct menu to see who the last callers were that were trying to reach me.
She even showed me how to put the callers into my address book, that I'm not sure I could find again if I had to.
But it works. It does exactly what I want it to do. I can call people and they can call me.
Oh, by the way, I even have a unique ring tone. One that nobody else has. One that I could always discern if my phone rang while with a group of people.
I use the one that comes already with every new phone, and I am sure everyone but me has changed to something different.
So call me, but don't send pictures or IM's, because I wouldn't know how to find them.
Aug 25, 2006
"I am"
It came on gradually. I started seeing signs a few days ago. Something was wrong but I just didn't want to face reality. I didn't want to tell Pattye, but obviously knew she would find out sooner or later.
And then yesterday it happened.
It seemed to just go limp in my closed fist.
Panic rushed in. I made a quick prayer. The kind where you ask God to just give you one more chance. Just once and you'll promise never to abuse it again.
And then suddenly it came back to life.
I could almost feel its strength begin to take shape and I silently screamed, "Yes!!".
And then nothing.
I was impotent.
No longer the person I was just only days ago.
I felt like I had no power.
No ability to perform the way I was supposed to perform.
I didn't feel complete. I felt in a sense like less than a man.
Had it been overuse? Had it been the result of neglect? Or did I just play with it too much.
Whatever the reason, here I was, alone, impotent and unable to use the one thing that I have come to reply on in times of need.
After I came to my senses I immediately decided to take action. I would not accept defeat. I began searching for an expert in this field.
It took about an hour to find a specialist.
He wanted to see what it looked like. I pulled it out and the look on his face told me what I feared most.
"This thing is really old and probably used up, but it looks like you got a lot of play out of it."
I sheepishly smiled and thought of the times where I had used it. Sometimes late at night by myself. Sometimes with others in a group. I even played with it in a movie theater when the lights had gone down low.
I had always heard "use it or lose it" but now I wasn't so sure.
We talked for awhile about my dilemma. He felt like he had an answer.
I called Pattye and told her I had a problem and explained that I would go into further detail as soon as I got home. She said to "do whatever was necessary, regardless of the cost, just be sure I had it "working" when I got home. Whatever we have to do to give you satisfaction, we'll do".... A true wife. A true friend. I knew I could count on her.
After what seemed like hours of waiting and discussions and instructions of how to properly take care of what has become very important to me, I left for home. A new man. Powerful once again.
I rushed in the door and pulled it out and showed it to Pattye.
I was no longer cut off from the world. I could perform all of the duties that she has come to expect from me.
I even brought one for her, even though she didn't expect it.
Yes, I had a new cell phone. I was back on top again.
And then yesterday it happened.
It seemed to just go limp in my closed fist.
Panic rushed in. I made a quick prayer. The kind where you ask God to just give you one more chance. Just once and you'll promise never to abuse it again.
And then suddenly it came back to life.
I could almost feel its strength begin to take shape and I silently screamed, "Yes!!".
And then nothing.
I was impotent.
No longer the person I was just only days ago.
I felt like I had no power.
No ability to perform the way I was supposed to perform.
I didn't feel complete. I felt in a sense like less than a man.
Had it been overuse? Had it been the result of neglect? Or did I just play with it too much.
Whatever the reason, here I was, alone, impotent and unable to use the one thing that I have come to reply on in times of need.
After I came to my senses I immediately decided to take action. I would not accept defeat. I began searching for an expert in this field.
It took about an hour to find a specialist.
He wanted to see what it looked like. I pulled it out and the look on his face told me what I feared most.
"This thing is really old and probably used up, but it looks like you got a lot of play out of it."
I sheepishly smiled and thought of the times where I had used it. Sometimes late at night by myself. Sometimes with others in a group. I even played with it in a movie theater when the lights had gone down low.
I had always heard "use it or lose it" but now I wasn't so sure.
We talked for awhile about my dilemma. He felt like he had an answer.
I called Pattye and told her I had a problem and explained that I would go into further detail as soon as I got home. She said to "do whatever was necessary, regardless of the cost, just be sure I had it "working" when I got home. Whatever we have to do to give you satisfaction, we'll do".... A true wife. A true friend. I knew I could count on her.
After what seemed like hours of waiting and discussions and instructions of how to properly take care of what has become very important to me, I left for home. A new man. Powerful once again.
I rushed in the door and pulled it out and showed it to Pattye.
I was no longer cut off from the world. I could perform all of the duties that she has come to expect from me.
I even brought one for her, even though she didn't expect it.
Yes, I had a new cell phone. I was back on top again.
Aug 22, 2006
"I could have been a rocket scientist"
I don't want to diminish such a highly respected profession, but I guess a rocket scientist is the bench mark we use in distinguishing levels of intelligence.
Although my GPA in high school and college did not attest to any hope for me in becoming anything more than a Journalist or entrepreneur. I always felt like I had the capacity to learn, think and then apply my findings. My problem always seemed to be that "my rememberer kind of got plugged up". Even more so today when I try to recall what I just read 10 minutes ago.
But I really think if I had the resources that exist today, mainly the computer and the Internet, I could have excelled in a scientific field.
I have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. I love information. I love to gather information. And what easier way than the Internet.
Just yesterday, after watching "Bounty", a remake of the original "Mutiny on the Bounty", there was a scene in which the ship's navigator was using a sextant to plot his location. I expressed to the one who promised to love, honor and keep me on course, that I would like to learn how to read a sextant. Surprisingly, Pattye commented that she knew how to read this ancient GPS locator. At first I was a little shocked, but then knowing her and that she can do just about anything I wasn't surprised, but impressed.
Years ago, it would have taken a trip to the library or at the least a search through a set of encyclopedias, if your family was fortunate enough to have a set, (Hmmm.....I wonder if there are still encyclopedia salesmen out there since the Internet) to research and learn about a sextant.
But today, in just a matter of minutes, I had learned the basics of finding out not only where I am, but could even figure out where I am heading.
And then the other day, after we were watching some low budget film about an Indian who is captured by traders and whisked off to England in the late 1600's and sees his first horse, I make a dumb comment, "wait a second, I thought all Indians rode horses."
Once again, my partner corrected me by stating that the Spaniards introduced the horse in what is now New Mexico in the late 1600's and the Indians on the East Coast wouldn't have been exposed to such an animal. So, I get on the Net' and sure enough everything I wanted to learn about horses in America was right at my fingertips.
And then this morning, after what has been another scorching day in Texas, I decide to see what some of the hottest places around the world have been in the last week, thinking that surely Africa and Australia have to be in the 200's and 300's if Texas is in the three digit range. Nope, an immediate search shows me that Texas is one of the hottest places, except for Iraq.
Who'd a thunk it?
What would it have been like in the 1960's and 70's if I would have had the immediate access to all of this information. Would I have been joining the teams at NASA in planning for the first trip to outer space. Would I have been doing research to find a cure for some catastrophic disease. Would I have been reading temperature tables from around the globe to maybe change my beliefs about global warming.
Nah, I probably would have been blogging, and just gathering the information to pass onto everyone else.
I guess it is just my destiny.
Although my GPA in high school and college did not attest to any hope for me in becoming anything more than a Journalist or entrepreneur. I always felt like I had the capacity to learn, think and then apply my findings. My problem always seemed to be that "my rememberer kind of got plugged up". Even more so today when I try to recall what I just read 10 minutes ago.
But I really think if I had the resources that exist today, mainly the computer and the Internet, I could have excelled in a scientific field.
I have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. I love information. I love to gather information. And what easier way than the Internet.
Just yesterday, after watching "Bounty", a remake of the original "Mutiny on the Bounty", there was a scene in which the ship's navigator was using a sextant to plot his location. I expressed to the one who promised to love, honor and keep me on course, that I would like to learn how to read a sextant. Surprisingly, Pattye commented that she knew how to read this ancient GPS locator. At first I was a little shocked, but then knowing her and that she can do just about anything I wasn't surprised, but impressed.
Years ago, it would have taken a trip to the library or at the least a search through a set of encyclopedias, if your family was fortunate enough to have a set, (Hmmm.....I wonder if there are still encyclopedia salesmen out there since the Internet) to research and learn about a sextant.
But today, in just a matter of minutes, I had learned the basics of finding out not only where I am, but could even figure out where I am heading.
And then the other day, after we were watching some low budget film about an Indian who is captured by traders and whisked off to England in the late 1600's and sees his first horse, I make a dumb comment, "wait a second, I thought all Indians rode horses."
Once again, my partner corrected me by stating that the Spaniards introduced the horse in what is now New Mexico in the late 1600's and the Indians on the East Coast wouldn't have been exposed to such an animal. So, I get on the Net' and sure enough everything I wanted to learn about horses in America was right at my fingertips.
And then this morning, after what has been another scorching day in Texas, I decide to see what some of the hottest places around the world have been in the last week, thinking that surely Africa and Australia have to be in the 200's and 300's if Texas is in the three digit range. Nope, an immediate search shows me that Texas is one of the hottest places, except for Iraq.
Who'd a thunk it?
What would it have been like in the 1960's and 70's if I would have had the immediate access to all of this information. Would I have been joining the teams at NASA in planning for the first trip to outer space. Would I have been doing research to find a cure for some catastrophic disease. Would I have been reading temperature tables from around the globe to maybe change my beliefs about global warming.
Nah, I probably would have been blogging, and just gathering the information to pass onto everyone else.
I guess it is just my destiny.
Aug 17, 2006
"A Gift Close to My Heart"

Only a wife of almost 20 years knows what to give her spouse, someone who has it all, for his birthday.
Against her better judgment for my health's sake, the person who promised to love, honor and not necessarily keep me porcine, gave me a birthday present only someone in Texas could really appreciate.
Yes, Pattye spent hours in the kitchen creating a gift that is close to my heart. Not so much in the sentimental way, but more in the cholesterol way.
She presented me with her signature meal.....The Chicken Fried Steak.
As I said earlier, you have to live in Texas or maybe a border state to really appreciate this delicacy.
Oh, I know we are chastised by the elite critics from the NorthEast who question our taste in fine dining, but until you have savored this bonne bouche please refrain from judging our cuisine.
And certainly, don't disparage Pattye.
She is an excellent cook. Her list of recipes is endless. Several years ago, she published a cookbook, a compilation of her family's recipes from over 5 generations that sustained her ancestors as they settled in Central Texas, many of them living into their 90's. And yes, the chicken fried steak appeared numerous times in the cookbook as a favorite meal second only to ribs and brisket.
The chicken fried steak appears on the menu of many of our fine restaurants. Oh, it might be disguised as a breaded veal cutlet or some such nonsense but a Google search of the carnivore's dream brings up over 6 million hits.
Many displaced Texans upon return to the Lone Star State clamor for this thin slice of beef steak, double-dipped in an egg batter and bathed in a secret mixture of flour and spices. And after pan fried in hot oil at the exact temperature so that the coating sticks to the meat this steaming feast is covered in home-made country gravy served with sides of mashed potatoes and green beans.
Yes, it was a delightful birthday. One that I can relive again tonight with leftovers.
In a sense I guess you could call it a gift that keeps on giving.
Aug 11, 2006
"Why we don't go to the movies"
Oh, we watch movies. In fact, we watch one almost everyday. As long-time subscribers to Neflix, we receive new and old releases regularly in the mail. But we don't go to the movie theater.
With yet another 100 degree plus day scheduled for our already burned and parched city and having a few hours of free time on our hands, we decided to take in the latest blockbuster at the local movie house, a place that advertises "refrigerated air".
I grew up going to the movies like every other kid in the 50's. Saturdays were always special. That chance to fantasize in the world of Western heroes, science fiction serials and an occasional love story. As a matter of fact, Pattye can attest to the fact, that "West Side Story", is still one of my all time favorites.
We decided to catch a late-afternoon showing of Pirates of the Caribbean. With the schools already in session, we figured we could avoid a packed house of noisy little urchins and relax and have dinner, (popcorn and cokes) all in one sitting.
Johnny Depp is high on my list of gifted actors, and who could deny that Keira Knightley is one of the hottest stars on the screen. The action was great. The suspense was intriguing and the cinematography was brilliant.
But the sound, or better yet, the noise was absolutely unbearable.
It was only a few minutes into the previews, that I was reminded why, we don't go to the movies.
The decibel level must range somewhere between the sound of commercial jets on the tarmac at DFW airport and 105 mm Howitzers firing in the Iraqi desert.
My ears literally are still ringing this morning.
For the life of me I just can't understand it.
Is it just me? Have I become such a curmudgeon that the simple act of going to the movies has now become another item on my list of complaints of what is wrong with the world.
I'm not an old fart.
I have a MP3 player. Actually, I have had one for several years and it is loaded with such great hits as 16 minutes of the "Iron Butterfly's" In a Godda da Vida" and Jimi Hendrix's incredible riffs on his Fender Stratoblaster. And I am sure at one time this music was just considered loud noise.
So what is the problem?
I guess maybe it's the volume.
Maybe the theaters should offer a plug-in for your own "ear buds" or better yet, rent head phones and add to their exhorbrant profits that they make on popcorn and candy.
Hmmmm. Not a bad idea.
Regardless, I highly recommend "Pirates" but you might take a little cotton to muffle the sound.
Or, you might just wait for the release of the DVD and enjoy the movie in the luxury of you own setting.
With yet another 100 degree plus day scheduled for our already burned and parched city and having a few hours of free time on our hands, we decided to take in the latest blockbuster at the local movie house, a place that advertises "refrigerated air".
I grew up going to the movies like every other kid in the 50's. Saturdays were always special. That chance to fantasize in the world of Western heroes, science fiction serials and an occasional love story. As a matter of fact, Pattye can attest to the fact, that "West Side Story", is still one of my all time favorites.
We decided to catch a late-afternoon showing of Pirates of the Caribbean. With the schools already in session, we figured we could avoid a packed house of noisy little urchins and relax and have dinner, (popcorn and cokes) all in one sitting.
Johnny Depp is high on my list of gifted actors, and who could deny that Keira Knightley is one of the hottest stars on the screen. The action was great. The suspense was intriguing and the cinematography was brilliant.
But the sound, or better yet, the noise was absolutely unbearable.
It was only a few minutes into the previews, that I was reminded why, we don't go to the movies.
The decibel level must range somewhere between the sound of commercial jets on the tarmac at DFW airport and 105 mm Howitzers firing in the Iraqi desert.
My ears literally are still ringing this morning.
For the life of me I just can't understand it.
Is it just me? Have I become such a curmudgeon that the simple act of going to the movies has now become another item on my list of complaints of what is wrong with the world.
I'm not an old fart.
I have a MP3 player. Actually, I have had one for several years and it is loaded with such great hits as 16 minutes of the "Iron Butterfly's" In a Godda da Vida" and Jimi Hendrix's incredible riffs on his Fender Stratoblaster. And I am sure at one time this music was just considered loud noise.
So what is the problem?
I guess maybe it's the volume.
Maybe the theaters should offer a plug-in for your own "ear buds" or better yet, rent head phones and add to their exhorbrant profits that they make on popcorn and candy.
Hmmmm. Not a bad idea.
Regardless, I highly recommend "Pirates" but you might take a little cotton to muffle the sound.
Or, you might just wait for the release of the DVD and enjoy the movie in the luxury of you own setting.
Aug 8, 2006
"Roomin with P.J."

O.K. I promise this is the last reunion story...well not promise.... but probably, er... maybe.
I have had a request or two for a synopses of Fairview's Class of 1966's Reunion.
I know I would bore most of you with a story about seeing friends that I haven't seen in 40 years, or how some perfectly sane people would get tattoos at this stage in their life or how grown adults would laugh about getting thrown out of high school for "mooning". So, I'll just talk about what it is like to get to sleep with P.J.....well, not really sleep with P.J.....but room with P.J.
I must mention that it is only a rumor that we were voted "Best Couple" at the Reunion.
Surprisingly, we have only seen each other, I think, 4 times in the last 40 years. The first time was a short visit in Lake Tahoe, back in the late 80's. I guess it had been almost 20 years since our paths had crossed. Pattye and I had gotten diverted to Sacramento on our way to Lake Tahoe and P.J. and his wife Patty (notice any similarity there, one note also...he and my wife, my two best friends share the same birthday) picked us up at the airport and drove 3 hours to take us to our destination. The next time or two were simply a short visit when he was changing planes in Dallas. And then we finally got to spend some time at the 35th Reunion, although we didn't room together.
The last time P.J. and I stayed in a hotel together was in 1966 when we, along with about 50 some of our classmates went to New York City for a week. Probably one of the greatest times in high school. Funny though, how no NYC stories came up at the Reunion.
I wasn't planning to make it to the 40th but as I had posted in an earlier blog, I had been encouraged by friends and family to make the journey.
P.J. was one of them.
Here is a guy that might call you anytime during a 24 hour day. Say about 4 sentences and hang up and leave me laughing for hours. My wife thinks it's pretty silly, but she allows me a lot of silly things.
So, I decide to go and P.J. and I decide to room together.
From the time he arrived, about 5 hours late, P.J. was non-stop talking. And I loved it. I have no idea what we talked about. No idea what he or I said. I know we packed 40 years into 72 hours and by the time we left my chest actually hurt from laughing.
Both nights, we didn't get to bed until 3 or 4 in the morning. One night was after a meal of ham and cheese omelets seated amongst every convicted felon on parole in Dayton at the only Waffle House open at that time. And served by a waitress who was going to California the following week to appear on the Judge Brown TV show to discuss her suit with a former girlfriend. Now, that makes me laugh. Typical stuff he and I seemed to always run into.
He is high maintenance though.
Even with only a few hours sleep , I was getting up at around 7:00 A.M.
Now I am just kind of a coffee guy and maybe a pastry if there is one around.
But not P.J.
No, I had to go and find a bottle of chocolate milk and a bottle of Gatoraide, not just Gatoraide, but Rain Gatoraide.
Now I know this really all sounds pretty stupid and actually I wish I hadn't even written about it.
And I am sure there is much more to this story, like how we were talking and I had asked him a question and next thing I heard was snoring.......pretty funny, huh.
Well, maybe not, but it was funny to me and it makes me laugh. Just like when he calls me and says a few words, hangs up and leaves me with tears in my eyes from laughing.
Pattye thinks it's silly. I think it's silly. But, that's P.J.
That's my boy!!
Aug 6, 2006
"I'm staying with the reunion theme a little while longer"
Actually, I think it is pretty good stuff....the reunion stories that is. My biggest problem though is determining whether I write for your enjoyment or do I write for mine.....whatever....anyway here goes.
While in Dayton, I had a chance to visit my brothers Rick and Dave. Rick, who lives in Oakwood which is "clear across town", about 5 miles, (I make that comment because in Texas or specifically Dallas, it's not unusual to have to drive 15-20 miles to get to wherever you are going for even the rudimentary item) suggested we have lunch at his house.
Among a number of things I miss about Dayton are 1.) White Castle hamburgers and 2.) Marion's pizza. We chose pizza.
After devouring more than my share and even consuming more than my 23-year old nephew Andrew who was just rising at 1:00 in the afternoon, I began to make some inquiries about former friends and classmates.
It's difficult to ask about friends of the opposite sex without raising some suspicion either to family or spouse, who reads my blogs, about what my ulterior motives might be..... THEY'RE JUST FRIENDS, honey.
Anyway, Rick, who has lived in Dayton all of his life, usually has the latest information on the whereabouts of most of my former coterie. One name came up, Penny, who, although was a year younger and went to Meadowdale High School, was a good friend and someone I hadn't talked with in over 40 years.
Rick sees her occasionally and said she worked at a nearby high fashion clothing store and said he would call her.
With some hesitation I spoke with her, asking about her life and what has transpired in the last almost half a century,....... God, that's a long time!!, and she gave me a lifetime recap in just a few minutes.
In return, I gave her a rundown of my travels and journeys concluding with my present employment by a noted celebrity in Dallas.
She outdid me though.
Her younger brother, Steve, is a hot soap opera star and has been on "Days of our Lives" and "General Hospital", two of my favorites.
As the conversation began to find its uncomfortable pauses, I sensed it was time to conclude the chat with some banal comment like, "Well, if you are in Dallas, call me".
I left my brother's house a little later with two of my favorite things in life. Remembrances of good food and good friends.
While in Dayton, I had a chance to visit my brothers Rick and Dave. Rick, who lives in Oakwood which is "clear across town", about 5 miles, (I make that comment because in Texas or specifically Dallas, it's not unusual to have to drive 15-20 miles to get to wherever you are going for even the rudimentary item) suggested we have lunch at his house.
Among a number of things I miss about Dayton are 1.) White Castle hamburgers and 2.) Marion's pizza. We chose pizza.
After devouring more than my share and even consuming more than my 23-year old nephew Andrew who was just rising at 1:00 in the afternoon, I began to make some inquiries about former friends and classmates.
It's difficult to ask about friends of the opposite sex without raising some suspicion either to family or spouse, who reads my blogs, about what my ulterior motives might be..... THEY'RE JUST FRIENDS, honey.
Anyway, Rick, who has lived in Dayton all of his life, usually has the latest information on the whereabouts of most of my former coterie. One name came up, Penny, who, although was a year younger and went to Meadowdale High School, was a good friend and someone I hadn't talked with in over 40 years.
Rick sees her occasionally and said she worked at a nearby high fashion clothing store and said he would call her.
With some hesitation I spoke with her, asking about her life and what has transpired in the last almost half a century,....... God, that's a long time!!, and she gave me a lifetime recap in just a few minutes.
In return, I gave her a rundown of my travels and journeys concluding with my present employment by a noted celebrity in Dallas.
She outdid me though.
Her younger brother, Steve, is a hot soap opera star and has been on "Days of our Lives" and "General Hospital", two of my favorites.
As the conversation began to find its uncomfortable pauses, I sensed it was time to conclude the chat with some banal comment like, "Well, if you are in Dallas, call me".
I left my brother's house a little later with two of my favorite things in life. Remembrances of good food and good friends.
Aug 4, 2006
"Everyone has a story to tell"
For those who have found themselves at this site in search of 2006 Reunion pictures , you have come to the right place. Just click on the above link and you'll be there, but please come back for more of my intuitive ramblings.
Years ago when I edited a bi-weekly newspaper, we would sit around during planning sessions and discuss stories for coming editions. At times we would throw our hands in the air and proclaim "there are no more stories to write". Everything had been written about. I guess maybe our creative juices were just plugged up.
After my recent return from my 40th High School Reunion and talking with so many old and new friends, I again realized everyone has a story or stories to tell. I could fill pages with just my own escapades that still continue to this day, but I am saving them for my forthcoming novel.
Take for example, one of my former classmates, Bob.
While sneaking a smoke outside during the Saturday night dinner, he and I had a chance to share a few stories of times passed. Bob described his high school days as somewhat low-key and suggested that perhaps I didn't know him.
I remembered him as I remembered most of my classmates although my memory occasionally needed a little jump start.
After high school, Bob graduated from a theological college . And soon after, he, like many of us at the time, enlisted in the Armed Forces and a short time later found himself in the trenches of Vietnam with the 101st Airborne. This was the real thing. This is where one second you were talking with friends, the next moment you were being zipped up in a body bag.
Bob served his tour of duty and eventually returned to the U.S. where he decided to join the Army reserves and accept a commission as a Chaplain and go back to the 101st as their link to God, so to speak.
After 20 years in the service and travels around the world, Bob found himself back in Ohio and now serves the inmate population at one of Ohio's prison.
Speaking in his low-key narration, much like he probably spoke in high school, he described what he thought was just a simple life. But to me, it was more. It was a chance to see someone who breathed the same air I breathed all these years. Suffered the same heartache and pain that all of us go through. And fought in a war that left many of us scarred in many different ways.
And now Bob was here. Here at the 40th Reunion. Catching a smoke during the festivities and meeting someone he had met before but wasn't sure if I remembered him.
I knew him then and I know him now.
And I am thankful for both encounters.
Years ago when I edited a bi-weekly newspaper, we would sit around during planning sessions and discuss stories for coming editions. At times we would throw our hands in the air and proclaim "there are no more stories to write". Everything had been written about. I guess maybe our creative juices were just plugged up.
After my recent return from my 40th High School Reunion and talking with so many old and new friends, I again realized everyone has a story or stories to tell. I could fill pages with just my own escapades that still continue to this day, but I am saving them for my forthcoming novel.
Take for example, one of my former classmates, Bob.
While sneaking a smoke outside during the Saturday night dinner, he and I had a chance to share a few stories of times passed. Bob described his high school days as somewhat low-key and suggested that perhaps I didn't know him.
I remembered him as I remembered most of my classmates although my memory occasionally needed a little jump start.
After high school, Bob graduated from a theological college . And soon after, he, like many of us at the time, enlisted in the Armed Forces and a short time later found himself in the trenches of Vietnam with the 101st Airborne. This was the real thing. This is where one second you were talking with friends, the next moment you were being zipped up in a body bag.
Bob served his tour of duty and eventually returned to the U.S. where he decided to join the Army reserves and accept a commission as a Chaplain and go back to the 101st as their link to God, so to speak.
After 20 years in the service and travels around the world, Bob found himself back in Ohio and now serves the inmate population at one of Ohio's prison.
Speaking in his low-key narration, much like he probably spoke in high school, he described what he thought was just a simple life. But to me, it was more. It was a chance to see someone who breathed the same air I breathed all these years. Suffered the same heartache and pain that all of us go through. And fought in a war that left many of us scarred in many different ways.
And now Bob was here. Here at the 40th Reunion. Catching a smoke during the festivities and meeting someone he had met before but wasn't sure if I remembered him.
I knew him then and I know him now.
And I am thankful for both encounters.
Aug 3, 2006
"Kismet, Karma or Kender"
Before I begin today's therapy session, for those who have found themselves at this site in search of 2006 Reunion pictures , you have come to the right place. Just click on the above link and you'll be there, but please come back for more of my drivel.
As I was saying, is it Kismet, Karma or just plain ole me (or you) that makes things happen?
During a weekend of frivolity at my high school reunion, I noticed one individual, and for the sake of anonymity, I'll just call her Barbara, seemed to be holding court with many of my fellow reunionites. I'll admit that there were several faces there that I didn't recognize but I figured they might have been spouses of some of my former classmates.
But this individual was different. She seemed to captivate her audience including P.J., my high school best friend and reunion room-mate, who normally flits from woman to woman spreading his exhilarating warmth, laughter and bulls***.
Anyway, my turn came to expound some kind of witty remark and strike up a conversation.
I had been tipped off the she was quite opinionated, with a liberal twist, so I figured I would choose my words cautiously. So, I said, "I hear you are a real liberal". Boy, that was witty!
She didn't glare, didn't flinch, actually, really didn't pay me much time.
Suddenly I felt the urge to flee or fight. I chose fight.
We sparred back and forth as I tried to extract some information that might indicate who this person was that had obviously been one of my fellow classmates but I just couldn't place.
Now I pride myself on having quite an exciting background and a host of stories, most embellished, that have made me who I am today. Up until this chance meeting, I would gloat that I have never voted for a Democrat in my entire life. It's just who I am.
During our conversation, I noted I probably started this one-ticket journey as a result of a chance encounter (see I'm finally getting to the Kismet, Karma thing) as a R.O.T.C. cadet at the University of Oklahoma during the Kent State shootings and after being spat upon by fellow students I decided at that time, I would be an ultra-conservative.
Barbara on the other hand told of a story that shaped her life, when as an elementary student, she walked out of class as a protest to a picture of Gamel Abdel Nassar that had been placed on a bulletin board.
So here we are 40 some odd years later, she becoming an activist with an agenda that proclaimed the rights of people to live in the world with freedom and me with, well let's just say I guess I did what I thought sounded like the "American" way to do things.
The night continued with me asking questions of how I could better understand the liberal point of view, how could I have missed knowing her through high school and whether or not we could find a Waffle House open at 2:00 in the morning.
We shared stories of volatile times in the 70's, chance meetings of high profile people both left and right and perhaps how maybe I might find a new political party.
As I have told others since this past weekend of reuniting with old classmates, it was a time of seeing old friends and new friends all with a common background yet diverse today.
Now I'm not sure I'll change my voting habits, but I know I have found a new friend.
Was it kismet that our paths crossed? Was it karma for my willingness to see new ideas or was it just me who likes to meet interesting and thought provoking people?
Regardless, it was what reunions should really be about.
As I was saying, is it Kismet, Karma or just plain ole me (or you) that makes things happen?
During a weekend of frivolity at my high school reunion, I noticed one individual, and for the sake of anonymity, I'll just call her Barbara, seemed to be holding court with many of my fellow reunionites. I'll admit that there were several faces there that I didn't recognize but I figured they might have been spouses of some of my former classmates.
But this individual was different. She seemed to captivate her audience including P.J., my high school best friend and reunion room-mate, who normally flits from woman to woman spreading his exhilarating warmth, laughter and bulls***.
Anyway, my turn came to expound some kind of witty remark and strike up a conversation.
I had been tipped off the she was quite opinionated, with a liberal twist, so I figured I would choose my words cautiously. So, I said, "I hear you are a real liberal". Boy, that was witty!
She didn't glare, didn't flinch, actually, really didn't pay me much time.
Suddenly I felt the urge to flee or fight. I chose fight.
We sparred back and forth as I tried to extract some information that might indicate who this person was that had obviously been one of my fellow classmates but I just couldn't place.
Now I pride myself on having quite an exciting background and a host of stories, most embellished, that have made me who I am today. Up until this chance meeting, I would gloat that I have never voted for a Democrat in my entire life. It's just who I am.
During our conversation, I noted I probably started this one-ticket journey as a result of a chance encounter (see I'm finally getting to the Kismet, Karma thing) as a R.O.T.C. cadet at the University of Oklahoma during the Kent State shootings and after being spat upon by fellow students I decided at that time, I would be an ultra-conservative.
Barbara on the other hand told of a story that shaped her life, when as an elementary student, she walked out of class as a protest to a picture of Gamel Abdel Nassar that had been placed on a bulletin board.
So here we are 40 some odd years later, she becoming an activist with an agenda that proclaimed the rights of people to live in the world with freedom and me with, well let's just say I guess I did what I thought sounded like the "American" way to do things.
The night continued with me asking questions of how I could better understand the liberal point of view, how could I have missed knowing her through high school and whether or not we could find a Waffle House open at 2:00 in the morning.
We shared stories of volatile times in the 70's, chance meetings of high profile people both left and right and perhaps how maybe I might find a new political party.
As I have told others since this past weekend of reuniting with old classmates, it was a time of seeing old friends and new friends all with a common background yet diverse today.
Now I'm not sure I'll change my voting habits, but I know I have found a new friend.
Was it kismet that our paths crossed? Was it karma for my willingness to see new ideas or was it just me who likes to meet interesting and thought provoking people?
Regardless, it was what reunions should really be about.
Aug 2, 2006
"Yikes.....I'm so far behind!!!!
Trying to catch up after this weekend's great reunion. In the meantime catch all of the latest pics at this web site . And of course if you have nothing else to do you can go shopping here .
Will have plenty to write about the reunion tomorrow including tattoos, rooming with PJ and how a liberal and conservative have found some middle ground.
Will have plenty to write about the reunion tomorrow including tattoos, rooming with PJ and how a liberal and conservative have found some middle ground.
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