Mar 3, 2005

"Quick Hits"

Why I am not surprised

On Monday, three young men in their early 20's disappeared while traveling through Texas from Utah on their way to Houston to work for a petroleum company. Somewhere between Lubbock and Bowie they got lost (huh, like there is nothing there but sand). Anyway, after a multi- state search the men showed up back in Utah, claiming "we got lost and didn't have their boss's cell number". Why do I feel like these people will end up in my previous blog about "Disengaged Workers"?

Names in the News

My friend David Goss has been nominated to the Austin College Athletic Hall of Honor . David, a graduate of J.J. Pearce in Richardson, was a place-kicker for the Roo's in the 80's He also has recently opened his own travel service, Mustang Charters . These days when we send our kids off to camp and ski trips it is important that we know that a responsible father like David is the one booking the trips. You can reach him at 877-229-0342.

Back to Canada

Clint McCarty, a contractor with the DMN, and one of Pattye's last trainees, is heading up north later this month. We had a nice going away lunch for him last week. Clint and his wife, Gloria and their two boys will be missed. Good Luck, Clint.

Speaking of which

It got down to the wire with getting Clint's replacement on board. Pattye was offered the second district and she declined. Although my ego was thinking "Yeah, take it."She reminded me of the path we were down before working 20 hour days instead of our normal 12 hour days when she had as many as 3 districts. "You Go Girl!!

"That's all folks"

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