Mar 22, 2005

"Death makes strange bedfellows"

I won't make any comments specifically about the Terri Schiavo case because I don't know what to say, which is unusual for me.....What I do find interesting is that many on the right and many on the left are forming ranks with each other which points out the fact that we are neither always liberal nor always conservative. I heard one commentator expressing his sentiments that he couldn't understand why so many Republicans were in favor of replacing Terri's feeding tube when this should have been a "liberal" cause. Huh?
I hear quotes from the Bible or readings from great scholars that the proponents for each side spew out, trying to convince the opposition of what is right and what is wrong. I wish I hadn't damaged so many brain cells in my youth so that I could remember some of the platitudes that would sound "brainy" and I could prop myself up and say "here's the true answer". There is no true answer.
Is it wrong to simply go about my daily chores and let someone else make the decisions for me such as weekend emergency sessions of the government? Should I consult my minister and have him direct me to what is right and what is wrong? Or do I do some soul-searching and try to come up with the answer on my own? I can't. I'm like a lot of people who just want the problem to go away.
Our medical technology has advanced to the point where "life" can be sustained indefinitely. Life as we used to think of as life, that is.
I have been in several nursing homes in my association with the DMN. This requires me going into the bowels of the homes and assisted living centers, places that the general public doesn't get a chance to see. There are frail, elderly people lying in their beds, barely over 80 lbs., moaning, soiling themselves, calling out "help me, help me". They are medicated without any clue of their surroundings. I know I don't want that for myself....... I'm know I don't want to die in my sleep, because hell, that could happen tonight. Watch out what you wish for.
So here we are at a stalemate. Charges have been levied against both sides. No one knows who to believe. The U. S. Congress and President of the United States have stepped in. Anguished parents want to simply care for their daughter. A grief-stricken husband wants to go on with his life. And a poor woman lies in a vegetative state unaware, or perhaps aware, of what is going on around her. Is there no King Solomon who can gives us the right answer?
God, help us all.

Mar 19, 2005

"Reading instead of Writing"

There have been so many new blogs that I have found lately, I have been remiss in keeping this part of my life in order. Also, I have been working on a new on-line service that will be releasing in the coming weeks and have been trying to get as much information ready for that groundbreaker. In the meantime, I offer you this little wink of sunshine.

Mar 10, 2005

"I'd RATHER Not"

I tried, I tried, I tried, but I just can't let Dan Rather get away without one parting shot. Dan, these days you are simply just a talking head. That's it. No more, no less. And that goes for the rest of the "icons" out there. Anyone who has ever seen a live newscast, been on any kind of a set, around a radio booth, backstage in a theatre, knows these are just people. They put their pants on one leg at a time and they have the same bodily functions that you and I have. It doesn't come out in a paper bag. Don't get me wrong, I admire Dan for his work in the early years, much like I admire the thousands of other journalists who have risked life and limb to bring us the news. But it is the guys in the trenches, they're the ones who I respect. That's where Dan was at one time. When the curtain has fallen and the game is over. It's over. The anchors like all of the rest of the working stiffs in the world go home and live a real life.
After watching Bob Scheiffer during his first night. I think CBS might have a chance at getting their integrity back.

Mar 9, 2005

"The Vanishing Newspaper"

If you are involved in the newspaper industry or even simply read the newspaper, there is a chance to hear what the future holds for the traditional ink-on-print version of what has been the mainstay for the enlightenment of the masses. Today at 1:00 p.m. (CST) the Media Center at the American Press Institute will be broadcasting a webonair panel discussion of The Vanishing Newspaper . The panel will include the top dogs in the ever changing world of Journalism. Tim Porter, Jeff Jarvis, Philip Meyer and others should provide questions and answers to what I believe will help us decide whether we are staying or getting out of this facet of an evolving industry . Sound boring? Maybe. But, hey, I'd rather have a glimpse at my future instead of waking up one morning and not having something to read in the can!!

Mar 4, 2005

"Ten things I have done that I bet you haven't done"

I have to give credit to the Dallas Morning News Blog for this idea but it did make me think of some of the crazy antics and memorable moments I have had during my life. Please feel free to add your listings at the end of this post. They can be posted anonymously.

1.Threw a mattress out of 11th floor window of Adolphus Hotel after 67' Texas-OU football game.
2. Had personal tour of Spiro Agnew's (who?) Vice-Presidential airplane.
3. A year later smoked a pack of cigs that had V-P insignia because I couldn't find any others. The only memento I had kept.
4. Had exclusive interview with first Air Force Ace of Vietnam War.
5. Drained a 1/5 of Johnny Walker Black with Jim Brady, White House Press Secretary, months before he was shot.
6. Had access to hundreds of thousands of dollars in bank deposit box used for Congressional candidate in Oklahoma
7. Have never voted for a Democrat.
8. Cut umbilical cord of all three kids.
9. Saw a UFO.
10. Cleaned Chuck Norris's swimming pool.

Mar 3, 2005

"Quick Hits"

Why I am not surprised

On Monday, three young men in their early 20's disappeared while traveling through Texas from Utah on their way to Houston to work for a petroleum company. Somewhere between Lubbock and Bowie they got lost (huh, like there is nothing there but sand). Anyway, after a multi- state search the men showed up back in Utah, claiming "we got lost and didn't have their boss's cell number". Why do I feel like these people will end up in my previous blog about "Disengaged Workers"?

Names in the News

My friend David Goss has been nominated to the Austin College Athletic Hall of Honor . David, a graduate of J.J. Pearce in Richardson, was a place-kicker for the Roo's in the 80's He also has recently opened his own travel service, Mustang Charters . These days when we send our kids off to camp and ski trips it is important that we know that a responsible father like David is the one booking the trips. You can reach him at 877-229-0342.

Back to Canada

Clint McCarty, a contractor with the DMN, and one of Pattye's last trainees, is heading up north later this month. We had a nice going away lunch for him last week. Clint and his wife, Gloria and their two boys will be missed. Good Luck, Clint.

Speaking of which

It got down to the wire with getting Clint's replacement on board. Pattye was offered the second district and she declined. Although my ego was thinking "Yeah, take it."She reminded me of the path we were down before working 20 hour days instead of our normal 12 hour days when she had as many as 3 districts. "You Go Girl!!

"That's all folks"

Mar 1, 2005

"Disengaged Worker?"

I'll be the first to admit that I am old school. Even my moniker describes me as a curmudgeon. But what in the hell is a disengaged worker?
I have been following Poynter's Online discussion by Jill Geisler regarding "Work-Life Balance. Basically, it is the result of a survey within the Newspaper industry and the responses staffers and managers had towards balancing the Work/Life scale. I know that "Times they are a changin" but there is a reference in the article regarding "disengaged workers". These are people who are not happy in their work environment and as a result their productivity is below par.
Well, I say, these are people with an attitude and get rid of them!
Disengaged workers, my ass. Work/Life Balance, my ass.
Yes, the survey goes on to describe the type of manager that has the same opinion that I have, and this is what is causing the workers all of their frustration.
Come on people. Suck up.
You have choices. If you don't like the job, then get the hell out. I don't want to hear it.
Some of the complaints range from "I have to work overtime" to "My boss expects me to work as hard as he does". One person even posed the question, "Who says that a 40-hour week should be the standard?"
I wish I could have a 40-hour week. I wish I could have a 60-hour week. But in order to be successful you have to be willing to make some sacrifices and commitments.
Suppose the people who collect the trash decide they only want to work a 20-hour week. Who picks up the trash? Oh yeah, we could just hire more workers. Where does that money come from? TAXES. That means you have to now work more hours because someone wants to work less.
I say the Work/Life cycle is in pretty good balance and it is some people's attitudes that need the adjustment.