Nov 2, 2019

Maybe all that was needed was just one more simple, little prayer...

I woke up this morning feeling terrific for the first time in almost 5 days. Now that's hard to believe coming from someone who just never gets sick. I mean I have never missed one day of work my entire life from being sick. Have never been in the hospital overnight. And even after a couple of day surgeries, my day continued as usual, well except for that one "male-type" surgery that left me walking kind of gingerly, but other than that I have been really healthy. Until this past week..and then dang, I was down for the count.

And then today ...I feel great!.. Wow, I can't wait to get to the Senior Center for the weekly dance tonight and strut my stuff. It's a new event in my Journey that has become an important part of the week. I love to dance, I love live bands and I love to be around people who cherish the days they have left and want to go dancin'.

Ooops, sorry my head is racing, I have so many things to say.

But back to today, or this morning rather. I was wondering what the heck happened from the time I went to bed last night and when I woke up at around 4 a.m. I had been doing the same thing each day as prescribed by my doctor. Allegra, Flo-sane, Advil, Vick's  (I've always loved Vicks and when I wasn't feeling well when I was a kid and my mom would smear it all over my chest. )

Oops, sorry off subject again there for a second.

So, I decided to walk Cooper, something I hadn't done all week and  then it came into my head and heart. I had people praying for me and just like that, I was better.

 "But wait", I thought, some of them had been praying all week. (I have a pretty good friend list with some people who pray for me everyday) So maybe that was actually what I maybe needed. Maybe, all I needed was just one more prayer, either from a friend or heck for that matter, myself. Maybe just one more little simple prayer could have had me back on my feet on Tuesday.

That is, if you believe in prayer. And I do now.

Now even though I don't have a clue on how prayers get counted up in Heaven's Accounting Office, I think it would be pretty safe to assume that the more prayers coming in asking for God to intercede in an event, well then that person, or that prayer subject gets moved to the head of the line. So just suppose, that here I am down on Earth, feeling crummy from allergys, and I have these people praying for me but I just can't quite get to the finish line. I just fall short because someone who maybe said they would pray for me, well maybe, they forgot. Or maybe it was me, maybe I forgot to say my prayers for the day. Hey, it could happen.

I find it's something to consider. So much, that I think I might just throw in one little extra thought or prayer for someone or myself, maybe just enough to get God's attention. Maybe we just have to treat prayer like so ,many other things in our lives. If we want to have success, the we have to work for it. And maybe when we pray, we might just have to make the little extra effort.

Anyway, I feel great. I' goin' dancin' tonight and I'm gonna say an extra prayer right now for all of you people who have been praying for me. It might take me awhile to get the scale balanced but I'm on it as we speak.


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