Feb 3, 2018

We are what we eat AND what we read....

There is an axiom, We are what we eat..." Well, I'm taking it one step further. "We are what we read"

I've always had a voracious appetite for learning. Now, that's not to be confused with having a hunger for going to school, although of course that's where we are supposed to learn. I've always wanted more and more when it has come to learning and a good portion of my education has come from books. Once again, not to be confused with school books but with novels, biographies, historical novels and of course magazines.

I know, I know..that some of you who have known me most of my life will jump at the conclusion, "I knew Tommy read those girly magazines" Well, that's partly true, but honestly I read them for the articles....I know, I know...but I really did.

Some of my favorite magazines growing up were Popular Mechanics, Popular Science and Popular Electronics. Sure I read comic books and Mad Magazine as well, but I really loved the Do It Yourself (DIY) magazines that put your mind into action as you began to create and build that hover car or time machine.

Fast forward 60 years later, and for the most part all of my reading is still pretty much the same categories, novels etc., but of course now you have to add the Internet. Despite the horrendous amount of misinformation, there is just a magnitude of good information. Things and facts and just plain stuff that we would have never been able to learn about years ago by going upstairs and looking at the expansive collection of Collier's Encyclopedias we had in our home. And going to the library to search out a simple fact often turned into an all day affair.

As most of us know, nowadays all of our online searches are recorded. Yep, oh sure you can delete your searching history from your laptop or tablet or phone, but the requests you made of Google are stored on their servers. Even the requests that I make of my wonderful yet frustrating new best friend and nemesis, Alexa, all of those requests plus the cussing and yelling at her are all stored. I don't care tho, people think I'm nuts anyway, so what's a few more pieces of facts do anyway, lock me away for even longer?

I did look at the last couple of months of searches I have had on Google specifically being "bookmarks" that I can return to. I'll let you all decide if I am normal or what. Maybe a little nerdy, I guess, but I must say the ability to seek out so much information is incredible.

Getting Started with the Feather HUZZAH - Hackster.io
ESP8266 Projects for Beginners
Arduino - WiFiWebServer
Arduino - Wifi101SimpleWebServerWiFi
Simple Webserver Using Arduino and ESP8266: 5 Steps
How to Run a Free Web Server From Home on Windows or Linux with Apache « Null Byte ::  
Home Automation With ESP8266 WiFi Without Using Blynk!: 24 Steps (with Pictures)
Arduino Bluetooth Basic Tutorial - Arduino Project Hub
Arduino Bluetooth Basic Tutorial - Hackster.io
How 'Blink' Works | Arduino Lesson 1. Blink | Adafruit Learning System
The Lessons | Arduino Lesson 0. Getting Started | Adafruit Learning System
Turn ON an LED with a Button and Arduino
Example Sketches | Adafruit IO Basics: ESP8266 + Arduino | Adafruit Learning System
Make a Web-Controlled Servo with an Arduino and an ESP8266 | DIY Hacking
Using NodeMCU Lua | Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 | Adafruit Learning System
Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 Review
Overview | Adafruit IO Basics: Servo | Adafruit Learning System
Tutorial: Connecting Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 wireless in real-time to Processing 3.3/Computer – Costumes and Environment
Wiring | Adafruit IO Basics: Digital Output | Adafruit Learning System
Using your GPS | Adafruit Ultimate GPS on the Raspberry Pi | Adafruit Learning System
Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless - learn.sparkfun.com
Making an SD Card – Using a Mac | Adafruit's Raspberry Pi Lesson 1. Preparing an SD Card for your Raspberry Pi | Adafruit Learning System
A Tour of the Pi Zero | Introducing the Raspberry Pi Zero | Adafruit Learning System
 The complete list of Alexa commands so far - CNET
Programming your Pi Zero over USB - Raspberry Pi
Erma 2018 Entry Form | Erma Bombeck Writing Competition | Washington-Centerville Public Library
Introduction | Introducing the Adafruit Bluefruit LE UART Friend | Adafruit Learning System
WEP and SSID Configuration for Windows XP
LED Code | Remote Control with the Huzzah + Adafruit.io | Adafruit Learning System
Overview | Adafruit IO Basics: Digital Output | Adafruit Learning System
Overview | Adafruit IO Basics: Color | Adafruit Learning System
Adafruit Learning System
Where is my car? Realtime GPS+GPRS Tracking of Vehicles using Arduino
Real Time GPS Tracker With Integrated Google Maps: 7 Steps
Overview | Arduino Lesson 9. Sensing Light | Adafruit Learning System
Adafruit Learning System
Installing VNC | Adafruit's Raspberry Pi Lesson 7. Remote Control with VNC | Adafruit Learning System
Controlling AC Light Using Arduino With Relay Module: 7 Steps
Control High Voltage Devices - Arduino Relay Tutorial
Introduction | Home Automation in the Cloud with the ESP8266 & Adafruit IO | Adafruit Learning System
Introduction | Introducing the Adafruit Bluefruit LE UART Friend | Adafruit Learning System
Raspberry from scratch: Switch on/off a led by button press
Internet of Things Experiment Guide - learn.sparkfun.com
How to Connect a Transistor as a Switch in a Circuit
Linux is an operating system | What is this "Linux", anyhow? | Adafruit Learning System
RaspberryPI models comparison | Comparison tables - SocialCompare
Super Pump VS Owner's Manual Model: SP2603VSP
Amazon.com Help: Manage Your Contacts & Settings
Docs | VNC Connect and Raspberry Pi | RealVNC
How to Put Online Your WampServer - Simone Web Design
Python Tutorial: Sliders in Tkinter

I think I'm getting tired-head.


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