I'm sure most of us have wondered how we ended up where we are. What stars crossed to place us in such locations as Hendersonville or Bristol or Grandview or Dayton or Yuba City or even Dallas.
I mean never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be owning my own equestrian ranch in Salt Lake City....um...oops...I forgot, that's not me. But seriously, we are where we are regardless of whether we chose to be there or not. We are where we are because we are needed to be there.
Of course it's important to be where we are, but not because of the location or address. What is important is what are we doing with our lives where we are located. There is no such thing as retirement. We continue to work, continue to provide service, continue to nurture family, continue to set examples. Just being there for someone, whether they live across the street or in another state is what is important.
Mothers never stop being mothers. Fathers never stop being fathers. Grandmothers, which is probably the best job going, get to nurture but they also get to help even in the smallest ways to mold and build character.
In today's world, we are simply a phone call away. A short text away or even a Facetime or Skype away. We greet our friends on the Internet each day. We say hello and share pictures. We share both the good news and sadly, the bad news.
Yet, we still sometimes foolishly daydream, "I wish I lived here or there and had sunshine and warmth year round".
The warmth and sunshine comes from within not from the outside. Some people live in what we might think is "paradise", yet they could be miserable within themselves. And heck, you might have 5 feet of snow outside your door this morning, but the warmth you can give a friend or family member with simply a phone call or taking a meal next door could bring more sunshine than Florida would ever see.
Be happy wherever you live. Spread your sunshine and melt those icicles from your neighbor's roof. And be the one to set the example. You'd be surprised how many people look up to you.
Peace my friends.
Warmth is just a thought away.
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