Dec 13, 2017

Life is like a big box of Legos and I'm running out of pieces...

When we come into this world we are given all the time we need, at least for that moment. All of the time that we will spend here on Earth is poured out on our table of Life like a box of Legos as we begin to build our world.

Each piece symbolizes the amount of time we will spend creating either our cityscape or landscape that will be our identity. The white pieces might represent hours, the blue pieces days, the red pieces months and even some green pieces that might represent years.

Not all of us will have the same amount of pieces. Sadly, some may only have a few. And yet some may have enough time pieces that looks like they would last for an eternity....but they won't. The pieces will begin to slowly disappear.

Some of us will think we have plenty of pieces of time to do all we want in this world and we will carelessly use them up randomly without ever setting a good foundation for our structures.

And, again sadly, some people 's Legos of time can be swept completely off the table in an instant much like the fires and hurricanes that have happened this year. And yes there are those who had taken care and used every block to build for their future with spare blocks of time left over, only to find that through illness or disease that suddenly there are only a few pieces left.

Initially, our parents teach us to use our time blocks to simply take care of ourselves...sometimes a lot of those hour blocks are needed and sometimes we learn more quickly. And then as children we use an abundant amount to simply play never worrying if we will have enough blocks. As students we begin to build our education structures that for some might be the tallest building on their table. For others their structure might be their family and as they construct each time block it not only rises tall but also spreads far and wide.

Some people spend their time building that proverbial stairway to heaven as they use all of their time doing good deeds for their fellow man. And again sadly, some simply throw away their blocks to a life of addiction. And many try to build the tallest structure around with their careers, surpassing all others only to look around and see that no family building, spiritual building or recreational building exists.

As I begin to near yet another milestone in my journey with my 70th coming next year, I took a moment to see just how many time blocks I have used and how many I might have left, assuming they aren't lost suddenly. It's not as many as I had hoped for, seeing I have a lot of buildings and landscapes that I still want to create, but as I take a panoramic view of what I am leaving behind, I'm relatively satisfied. Sure, there's a number of pieces left along the wayside, broken, dented and scraped but at least I had the chance to use them and I am thankful for that.

In closing, I suggest all of us stop for a moment and take a look around. Are there things and places you want to do and see? Do you still have some time blocks left? Are you hoarding your time pieces waiting for the right moment? Choose wisely. Your box of Life Legos can just last so long.

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