Apr 28, 2019

Sometimes I just have to be me....a simple man

More than once over these years, I've written about the importance of "the journey". To me, the road one takes to their destination is far more important than the planting of the flag at the crest of the mountain. The journey is where you learn about yourself. You learn about your weaknesses and you learn about your strengths. You learn about what matters in your life, and you learn about what you can discard to lighten your load.

Each road we take whether it be the one less traveled or the long and winding one, we gather mementos to remind us of our visits along the way. We take mental snapshots and  store them in our hearts to help  remind us of the people we meet and the  places we visit.

Sometimes our journeys end much quicker than we ever expected, often without any warning, as we take our last step fully thinking we will have plenty of steps left for tomorrow and the next day.

Sometimes our travels are difficult and each step is a struggle as we drag that millstone we have created and placed  around our neck wondering "Why me, Lord?...Why have you made me be the one to carry the burden of mankind on my shoulders". That millstone is only as heavy as we choose to make it. We can remove it at anytime. We have the power to be whomever we choose to be. It's that gift we were given at the time of our birth. We have that freedom of choice.

So I choose to be me. I choose to be that simple man that finds happiness in just being able take in each day and embrace it for whatever is in front of me. To hear music when there is just sound or even lack of sound. To see visions in the clouds forming my own impressions from the simple puffs of whitened air. I choose to take all I have been given, both sadness and happiness, and find a way through my words to help soften one's life, possibly leaving signposts along a path that one has chosen to maybe brighten their day.

I was frightened as this new path of mine suddenly appeared. I was frightened of being alone. Being scared at night with just my loyal furry-boy beside me. And full of despair when the silence of an empty house echoed only my voice.

But it's just a journey. One I have taken many times before. From building a raft to float the Stillwater River to the ends of the world with my best friend, "The Jer".... to going off to college even before I had turned eighteen.....to enlisting in the Air Fore when this country was at War.....to raising kids....and, yes,  to planning the final arrangements of someone so dear to me.

So, I've packed my rucksack once again filled with memories of the past and subsistence for the future.. I have faith in God, I have faith in myself,  I have my health and I have family and friends who are willing to walk along with me as I get another chance to take in this glorious life I have been given.

 I no longer ask the question, "Why am I here?".....I had  been given that answer long ago, I guess I just  wasn't paying attention..... I'm here to be me, a simple man.

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