Mar 23, 2017

I need a sign....AND I NEED IT NOW!

I'm not demanding, well, on second thought, yes, I am...okay, let's just say I am pleading really, really hard. But I need a sign, God.  And not just one of those rainbow signs. I can make those by letting light reflect in water.

I need the real big thing. I need the "parting of the waters" kind of sign. I need the "raising Lazarus from the dead" kind of sign. I don't need any more flooding of the earth, locust invasions, pestilence, starvation, or disease. I have plenty of that. I need some good signs. And I want them big. I want them huge. I want the kind of signs that literally scare the crap out of people and make them soil their pants.

You woke me up this morning and put these thoughts in my mind. You guide my hand as I type these words. So, this a small sign that you can do it. You can do it all.

I'm at a  point in my life where my Faith should be as strong as ever. But, it's not. Sometimes I can barely hold on. I can handle watching my body age and begin to wear down, but I can't sit here and watch any more suffering. I have very, very sick friends that I need cured NOW.

Children are suffering. Children are dying.The world is in chaos.

Each night as I watch the news, I become filled with hate. Filled with despair. I'm tired of watching what was once a beautiful creation being destroyed by this hate.

So, please. I truly beg of you.Send me a sign. Send all of us a sign. Not a horrid sign but a sign of hope. And please...please watch over my friends and family. Watch over all of us.

Please don't let me fall further away from you.

I know I am here for a reason. I don't know what it is but I am trying. If it's to put these words on paper for others to read, well, ok, here it is. I just need something in return and hopefully, it will be one of the bad-ass things that You know You alone can do.  How about talking to us from the clouds or try one of those talking burning bushes again, that oughta shake some people up.

I love you as always. I'm glad you haven't given up on me like I am sorta giving up on you.



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