Jan 19, 2017

If only our bodies lasted as long as our cars and trucks

As God gets close to putting out his 108 billionth human being model...that's right, people, 108,000,000,000...you'd think He would have worked out all the kinks and design flaws by now.

First of all, don't be alarmed and think I am committing blasphemy. I'm not. The BIG GUY and I have an understanding. He said it's okay if I get angry just as long as I do it for the right reason. He also said it's okay if I question Him, or question myself, or question anything, because it shows Him I am using my brain and that's what I am supposed to be doing.

But I had a sleepless night last night and I just keep trying to figure out some things. And one of them is "Why in the heck, does He keep putting out these wonderful, miraculous, pieces of equipment...the human...but He still leaves a few things out, or leaves some of the wiring crossed, but mostly...WHY DOES HE MAKE THEM WEAR OUT AND BREAK DOWN ALONG THE WAY.

I've taken trips back and forth across this country and rarely if ever have had my car break down. I have driven cars for 200 to 250 thousand miles and all I did was change the oil. And yet, some people, both family and friends of mine, they get these human vehicles, and they start wearing out half way during the trip. And then...yes, and then....what the heck is the deal with some of these little Junior models who barely get a chance to go around the block before their wheels fall off. Let alone the mini-models that never get a chance to start their engines.

Come on, God. Give me a reason. Give us all a reason. Is this some kind of a sick game where you are testing us to see who can last the longest. Why the heck put us down here if there is going to be pain and misery. flat tires and engine failure. Don't you have designers who have tested and tested the human equipment that now they can finally put out the perfect model. 

You said you wanted to design us, after yourself. Well, dang it I see some crappy wiring. I see some weak frames. I see some fenders that don't hold up. I just don't get it.

As always, I appreciate you allowing me to voice my opinions in the Complaint section.I know you have had a lot of success, so you can't be doing it completely wrong.

But just do me a favor and send down some instructions for fixing a few dents for my friends so they can get their race car or buggy running again.

Your pal, Tom

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