Jun 3, 2012

A Sunday morning memory........people who influence your life

What was the moment in time that changed your life, or at the least,  opened your eyes and caused you to be where you are today? Was it a single event?  Was it an individual, .... perhaps a teacher who inspired you to follow in that profession?  Or did you feel like you never had a choice in the matter...or never wanted to choose?

Some of my early academic successes at Our Lady of Mercy
When the stars crossed and my  turn arrived to take a crack at the world, the event happened over the midwestern city of Dayton, Ohio. which was my birthplace, my hometown, .. and I guess it was written in the big book eons ago that this is where I would sort out the decisions I had to make, no one knows. ...you just took the ticket and got on board.

I was fortunate enough to attend a parochial grade school that gave me a solid foundation, and even after my repeated attempts to derail my train of life, I still managed to get out of there with all ten fingers and most of my knuckles still in working order. And then onward,  my attempts to what would be the continuation of my academic successes in life, my high school days at Fairview High School.  I have hundred of stories of those days that I share often, but back to the persons or events that helped make me who I am today. 

It was a high school Journalism teacher from Northridge High School, in Dayton Ohio. He was the manager of the Jewish Community Center during the summer, and I worked there each summer, from '66 through '69,  upon my return to Dayton from the University of Oklahoma. Ben Campbell, shared thoughts and ideas all day long and he told me in so many words, while his walrus-like moustache moved up and down as he spoke, "Life is going to throw you a whole lot of pitches...some fast balls, some curve balls and some right down the middle of the strike zone....just keep your eye on the ball and you'll know which one to hit.....swing at it like there's no tomorrow and you'll hit a home run".

I took Ben's advice and even though I struck out a few times and even occasionally got hit by the ball I've managed to find what I was searching for....I found that purpose.......I'm a story teller and that ain't half bad........and I think Ben would have liked that.


Jack Berkemeier said...

We like it Tom so please never stop.

delilah said...

I'm hooked. Let's have a whole story on Ben Campbell - Or is that the beginning of the novel??? xo

Susi Sower Hansen said...

A really good thoughtful story. Hopefully Ben Campbell is aware of how he inspired you. It was good you were open to his words of wisdom.