Jun 4, 2005

"To much to do, and so little time"

Mall News

Everyone who thinks I am spreading my self a liiiiiitle thin, please raise your hands. Thank you.
I'm not complaining, but.......
I realize it is all my fault, but I've decided to add one more item to my list of things to do. I am thinking about offering my services to the dealers at as an in-house, e-bay-like center to allow them to clear out some of their non-sellers and offer them to other dealers at the mall. That way everyone profits. There' s no bulletin board that offers the service, and maybe I can get a little reduction in rent. Speaking of which....

Expansion News
We have decided to expand our operation at Gathering Eggs . We our increasing our space almost 50% the first of July. We have added so many more items and still have plenty more to display. We also have some beautiful framed pictures ordered that you would find in an art gallery. They should be here soon.
New Hobby
Am also learning to weld. Well, not really yet, but am looking for some used welding equipment. I think I'll put the equipment right over there next to the router that I bought a couple of weeks ago and haven't picked up yet.
Recycle News
Logged onto a Richardson recycle forum. It's pretty interesting to see what everyone has to give away and what the scroungers are looking for. I'm sure there is one in your community. Check it out at Freecycle .
Dallas Market Center
Made a trip down to the Dallas Market Center and placed some orders and picked up some really great samples. Pattye placed a big order for Enamelware and we got a great buy on a Pie Safe , which I didn't know what the heck a pie safe was, but we got a real good buy.
Tiffany Update
My niece, Tiffany Terrell, who just spent her first year at the Univ. of South Carolina is spending the summer in Barcelona, Spain. Keep up with her happenings at her Blog. She is really a smart, intelligent, and gifted young woman. I'm sure she'll have a great summer there.
That's all folks...................

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